This year has been a crazy one! I can hardly believe it was a year, felt more like a blink and VOILA it's suddenly 2009 before I can even figure out what happned. Nonetheless, I would like to thank all my beautiful friends and family for helping me get through what was probably one of the toughest and most glorious years of my life. I hope to look forward in 2009 with a greater appreciation for so many people in my life...Thank you!!
SO with no further adieu here is my top 10 year in review (no rhyme intended ha ha), it actually is mingled with the last two years, but time is really just a moment to me...
10.Sending Andy off to train to leave for Bahgdad Iraq May 2007, while I finished teaching the most increadible MTC district of missionaries in the world who got me through the first three months....
9. Meeting Andy in Washington D.C. for the most beautiful 4th of July celebration combined with my two best buds from my mission...
8.then living with my beloved grandma (mom's side) while she battled her last few months of cancer...I miss her and revear her so much. What a life lesson I learned and how much I think of her courageous battle every day...Andy came home for a 10 day leave and she passed away right after he came home. He was there holding my hand at her funeral. I needed him then and she knew it. He left for Iraq...
7. I went home to Oklahoma for the holidays and meet my beautiful niece Kate for the first time....she was in a little basket sleeping, so my first words to her were, "OHHH it's a baby in a basket" as I saw her cute little face. What a joy she is and what awesome parents she has. I was able to see Andy's face on the computer screen for the first time in 2 months and last time for 7 more months until he came home.
6. Moving out on my own to Draper, Missing Andy and having a hard time getting to sleep cause it was so cold when they refused to turn the heat on or supply warm water, then having the city 'evict' me and getting out of that horrid place legally and moving out in less than 2 days..thus...
5. Moving in and living with my Grandma and Grandpa Carson while Andy was in Iraq and watching A.I. every night, hoping David Archuletta would win!!!!! We shared a lot of laughs, and I will be forever grateful for the chance I had to be with them.
4. Missing my friends that got laid off or left The Foundation and surviving the wrath of a mean and unruley supervisor who should learn how to treat people as humans.
3. Finding a beautiful town home in Lehi Utah and having my mom come help me get it ready for Andy to come home. We had a blast together, but I sure miss my grandparents and our nightly shows together....
2. Ankle surgery to remove an osteocondroma (bone tumor)
1. ANDY COMING HOME FROM IRAQ (May 1st, 2008) and seeing his beautiful face and smile for the first time in MONTHS. It was a moment suspended in time...I will never forget the joy in my heart when I saw him marching up with 130 other Marines who were on US soil...THAT was the highlight and blessing of my year, let alone LIFE! Spending the most beautiful holiday season with him and being together at long last with friends, family, and all those who helped me through it!!!! What a year it has been. We each have our own stories to write, and I hope yours is scripted with joy! Happy New Year!!!