09 February 2009

Driving Home Scare

Today as I was driving home, I called my sweet Andy to tell him I was on my way. He had already arrived at home and was starting to prepare dinner. He asked me how much longer until I arrived and I told him that traffic was really good so I'd probably be home in at least 10 minutes.

"Great, I'm so excited to see you!!!" he said.
"I'm excited to see you too," I told him.

He had been gone all weekend at drill, so it was nice to know he'd be home when I got there.

I got off at our exit and started headed towards our neighborhood. We live really close to the freeway past a stone company, and some fields, a train track and there's our house. The speed limit is only 25 mph so I was going relatively slow minding my own buisness, singing to the radio, and looking towards home. Then all of the sudden I see someone running frantically just off to the side of the road waving their hands like a crazy person. It actually startled me and I thought they must be flagging someone else down so I just kept driving hoping everything was ok. At first that person was a small object and upon getting closer and closer and as he kept running and waving his hands in the air, I realized it was Andy!!!!!!!!!!!! He was running towards me in the mud (it had rained all day). I swearved off to the side and he was smiling so big. I was so confused, not sure if everything was ok or not, but he just had this HUGE smile on his face. In disbelief, he opened the door and kept smiling so big.
"WHAT IN THE WORLD???" I asked him.
"I told you I was excited to see you!!! I just couldnt wait any longer!!!" he said.

All I could do is laugh all the way home (1 minute). He is unfailingly the sweetest/funniest person I know. I'm so glad he was ok, more than ok, he's crazy!!!!


Katrina said...

That is the cutest thing ever!!! You two are so adorable together. Ü

Christa Jeanne said...

Oh my goodness!!! Seriously, how cute is that?! A little disconcerting... but definitely adorable. :)

Ariana said...

Hahaha!! What a crazy guy...

Stacey said...

Yes Def. CRAZY! But I love him!