16 August 2010

He did it!

Andy going to his first day of accounting school after returning home from Iraq!

After 9 years consisting of: 2 Marine Corps Deployments, 2 year mission to Taiwan, 3 deferments from BYU, 3 re-acceptance letters back BYU, our wedding, a few internships and lots and LOTS of fun stuff in between....my cute hubby GRADUATED with his Masters in Accounting from BYU!!! He did it with distinguished honors and I am so proud of his dedication! Next step?? Well...We've got lots to share and to find out...please leave your email (if you havent already given it to me) in the comment section and I will add you to our new family blog I am creating as we speak. I am making it private, simply to update our life to friends and family and not the whole wide world. I will still keep this blog and post creative thoughts, crafts, and food from time to time! We have a lot to share with everyone so please send me your email addresses!


Crystal said...

Congrats to Andy!!
I'd love to follow your private blog - crystallr@gmail.com

Bethany said...

Here's mine! mrcls_hppn@hotmail.com. Love ya!

Waggoner Family said...


Love you!

Melissa said...

Please keep me posted! Congrats, guys...you really deserve it.


Julie said...

That's wonderful!! Keep me posted JulieMarieBurgess@gmail.com

MeganHowell said...

the howells want an invite!!!

our email is mebah729@msn.com

we are so excited for you and andy!!!

carenburns said...

Congratulations to Andy! Let me know where you end up. :)


Kathleen said...

What wonderful news, and what an amazing journey you two have shared thus far. Félicitaions! J'aimerais bien garder le contact avec toi et ta famille: swissklanae@yahoo.com (une des nombreuses amies de Lark:)

NVP2Be said...

You have my gmail address!